wrinkles on your neck is one of the most distressing skin problems many people
face as they grow older. Deep neck wrinkles begin to form about the same time
as wrinkles in the face, and can be caused by age, sun exposure, thin skin, and
diet and physical health. Like your face the skin on your neck is very delicate,
but is often ignored until wrinkles begin to appear.
are many ways one can prevent the onset of neck wrinkles naturally such as using
moisturizer on the neck and face, making sure to apply sunscreen to the neck as
well. Stretching your neck has also shown to help prevent these wrinkles and
face yoga expert Danielle Collins recommends an exercise she call “the giraffe”
in which you place your finger tips on the top of your neck and lightly stroke
the skin down as you tilt your head back. The head is then lowered slowly back
down, this motion should repeated 2-3 times daily for best results.
wrinkles have already begun to appear there options to help restore beautiful
skin with less make up. Laser resurfacing is a popular procedure that
eliminates the upper layers of skin while rejuvenating deeper layers to help
rejuvenate collagen that creates healthy, beautiful skin.