Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Young vs. Old Who is getting more plastic surgery

From the Kardashian sisters to Kaley Cuoco it seems plastic surgery headlines are becoming more and more common. But are young millennials getting more cosmetic surgery than their parents? The Washington Post recently took a look and the answers may surprise you.
Online Bloggers and beauty mavens seem to devote an increasing focus on the rising trend of cosmetic surgery at a younger age. However according to statistics baby boomers are actually visiting their plastic surgeons more often than any other demographic.
In 2015 in fact, patients over the age of 65 increased their rate of facelift and eyelid surgeries by over 50%

No matter your age cosmetic surgery is clearly nothing to be ashamed of. Modern procedures range from tightening and toning the body to full surgical procedures. No matter what you choose our board certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motoki can help you achieve your body goals.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Spring is here, How are Your New Year's Resolutions Coming Along?

It’s crazy to believe that just over 60 days ago we were all counting down to 2017. For many of us that meant raising a glass and proclaiming “New Year, New Me!” Once the excitement (and possible hangover) wore off, it was time to buckle down and work on our New Year’s resolutions. For many people that resolution is to lose weight, get in shape, or just drop a few pounds.
Fast forward past Valentine’s Day, and start getting ready for Easter. How are your resolutions coming? Yelp right? With April just around the corner and swimsuit season well on its way maybe it’s time to revisit the abandoned weight loss goals from just a few weeks prior.
Odds are you don’t plan to fail at your weight loss goal; you plan to pick yourself up and make a plan to work out, eat healthily, and stick to your goals. But when the scale just doesn’t show the payoff it can be easy to get discouraged.

At Body by Motoki, we offer our clients several options for people who are looking to lose weight. We believe losing weight is an achievable goal, but there is no reason to go at it alone. Our expert cosmetic surgeon Dr. Motoki can help tailor you take off the extra pounds in a way that works for both your goals and individual circumstances and have it done in time for bathing suit season!