Monday, February 13, 2017

Five Things to Consider if you are Considering Breast Augmentation

Like any type of surgery it is important to put a lot of thought into a decision such as undergoing breast augmentation. This decision should be approached with care and carefully considered and discussed with close friends or family. Here are some factors we suggest considering before you decide to make the plunge.

11    How is your Overall Health?
Your health will be a major factor in determining if you are an ideal candidate for this type of surgery. Your plastic surgeon will need to know your health history, medications, and any conditions that may increase the risk of complications. Lifestyle choices such as smoking and exercise can also have an effect on your eligibility

22   Have you had Children?
If you have had children you are probably like many other women who are considering a breast augmentation. However, if you plan to have additional children in the future make sure your cosmetic surgeon is aware so they can take care not to disturb the milk gland and nipples.

33    Financial Feasibility
Most plastic surgery is not covered by private insurance. Because of this the financial burden for surgery can be a heavy weight. There are several options including financing and payment plans that can make your dreams a reality.

44    Choosing your Plastic Surgeon

Finally making the choice on a surgeon to preform your operation can greatly affect the outcome. Our surgeon Dr. Motoki is Board certified and will ensure your safety throughout the procedure. No matter who you choose for the final operation perform thorough research and check reviews when making a decision on who will perform the operation. 

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